Wednesday, February 12, 2014

First Doctor appointment

Had the first doctor's appointment today.  It was, as I thought, simple.  As for the other things?  I was way off.

The basic rundown is this:
-Must have a psych evaluation.  Could be one appointment, could be more, but no set time-frame or amount of meetings is set.  So that is reasonable.
-The psychologist will decide if Kaden is "ready" to transition.  I guess one of the more important questions that will be asked is if he has told his parents.  That's a tough one, we are working on that.
-We need to set up a lab appointment for blood work to get a base testosterone level
-Doc wants to see him back in 4 weeks, blood tests and eval should be complete by then.  We will try to get it all done ASAP.
-The note Kaden needs for work (and to legally change name, etc) will come from the psychologist.  So we will try to get THAT soonest.

The referral coordinator was gone for the day when we were in, so Kaden is calling tomorrow to get the referral and an appointment set up with the psychologist.  We need to find a lab to go to for blood work.  I feel a lot better with sort of a blue print of what we need to do and what order things should happen in.

On another topic...
Kaden's chest binder is hurting him.  It hurts me that it's hurting him.  He prefers it over wearing a bra and having visible breasts, pain and all.  And he looks really good in it.  I am glad that he has it, and so sad that he has to go through it. I am going to start picking up some extra shifts at work so we can have some money put away for top surgery.  Even before he came out to me, he always told me he wanted the boobs gone.  I want them gone even more now, seeing how much this hurts and how much happier he will be once it's done.


  1. my boyfriend got his first binder for christmas and was SO excited. he wore it a few times but it's uncomfortable that he won't wear it anymore, even for a couple of hours. =( thinking of trying a size up but they're kinda pricey to just toss aside. idk. hope it works out for him and he has better luck than my boyfriend had!

    1. We got ours from Amazon just a few days ago, luckily it wasn't too pricey (compared to several I have seen) -->

      Kaden agrees, it's uncomfortable, but to him it's worth it. He has always had issues about his chest.

      I hope it works out too, right now we really have our eyes set on top surgery. Hopefully within the year, maybe even before Summer. Fingers crossed!
